Black sesame seeds Payasam (Ellu Payasam )



Black sesame seeds, 100 g

Jaggery, 200 g

Water, ½ cup

Ghee, 2 tbs

Cashews, 50 g or 15 nos.

Coconut pieces, 2 tbs

Cardamom, 5 nos.

Sugar, 1 tsp 

Banana (chopped), 1 no. or 150 g


  • Crush the jaggery and boil in a sauce pan by adding ½ cup of water until melted completely.
  • Strain the impurities (if it is not organic) and set aside.
  • Heat two tablespoons of ghee in a pan. Roast the coconut pieces, and cashews separately and set aside. Sauté the banana and transfer to a bowl with the ghee.
  • Grind the cardamom with sugar and set aside.
  • Wash and roast the sesame in a frying pan, until the seeds crackle.
  • Then switch off the flame and roast for one more minute. Transfer to another saucepan.
  • Add melted jaggery to the sesame, and cook for 9 to 10 minutes, or it turns thick.
  • Switch off the flame.
  • Add cardamon, coconut, nuts, and banana with ghee to the payasam. Mix well.
  • Your healthy black sesame seeds  payasam is ready.
Enjoy warm. Thank you


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